On 29-30 June 2019,Svay Rieng University has cooperated with the Svay Rieng Job center and BARCAMP(Event organizar) to organize a 2 day-workshop and Jobfair event in the Samdach Techo meeting hall of Svay Rieng University.  It was presided over by the Deputy Governor of Svay Rieng province.

The purpose of the event was :to enhance  opportunities between job hunters, employers, training providers,and relevant stakeholders in order to find out the job market needs and  current workforce needs.


More than 3 000 people attended.These were  alumni, ,current students,, high School students ,and the public., There were many display booths from private companies’,local associations and Svay Rieng University.

Dr.Serey Mardy,Deputy head of Research and Development Office and a member of the SICA Project has disemínated and presented all the EU Projects which are implemented by Svay Reing University to the public.