SICA 1st round table meeting

Svay Rieng University, 14th October 2019 In the SICA Project, SRU has met the objectives and has under taken quality enhancement publishing the Quality Assurance Strategic Plan, It has been developed through many activities; meeting ... click to continue


On 29-30 June 2019,Svay Rieng University has cooperated with the Svay Rieng Job center and BARCAMP(Event organizar) to organize a 2 day-workshop and Jobfair event in the Samdach Techo meeting hall ... click to continue

4th Career Day and Barcamp

The 4th Career Day and Barcamp Svay Rieng under the theme of "Workshop and Career Day" held at SRU on June 29-30, 2018 was presided over by His Excellency Sok Ros, Deputy Governor of ... click to continue