Angkor Hotel, Siem Reap province, 9-10 August 2018
Workshop on “ Outcome-based curriculum development”
Participants: Management board, IQA members , Deans, Vice-Deans, Heads, Deputy Heads of Department, and Teachers.
1. Reviews of PLOs
2. Process of writing program learning outcome
3. PLOs Vs National qualification framework.
To improve the teaching and learning quality, and the quality of the programs in order to align with the requirements of the job markets, Svay Rieng University has organized a workshop on “Outcome-based curriculum development” at Angkor hotel,Siem Reap province, 9-10 August 2018. All departments are required to review their PLOs so that their PLOs are aligned with Cambodia National Qualification Framework (CNQF) and current market needs.
All the participants are required to work with their faculty members and facilitators to cross check the program learning outcome and the alignment between their course syllabus and Program learning outcomes.
To sum up, this QA sharing workshop has resulted that forming the technical teams to deal with SRU’s QA practice that are reviewing program learning outcomes.