The HEIP development objective is to improve the quality and relevance of higher education and research mainly in STEM and Agriculture at targeted higher education institutions and to improve governance in the sector.
The project comprised of three components:
Component 1: Improving Teaching and Learning in STEM and Agriculture – aims to enhance quality of teaching and learning capacity of targeted HEIs in the fields of science, technology, engineering, mathematics (STEM), and agriculture, while other complementary areas deemed necessary for economic development will also be supported. The proposed sub-components are: 1.1: Improving teaching and learning, 1.2: Improving Institutional Capacity, and 1.3: Supporting private HEIs. An advisory board namely Higher Education Advisory Committee will be formed including members from the private sector to support the formulation and implementation of the sub-components 1.1 and 1.3, to improve the relevance of activities. Subcomponents 1.1 to 1.2 will support five targeted public HEIs and Subcomponent 1.3 will support selected private HEIs.
Component 2: Improving Research in STEM and Agriculture – aims to improve the quality and relevance of research in STEM and Agriculturefields by supporting the targeted HEIs in the development and implementation of research projects that result in peer reviewed publications.
Component 3: Strengthening Sectoral Governance and Project Management – aims to strengthen the system of higher education sector to produce graduates equipped with transferable skills and knowledge, especially in STEM and Agriculture. The proposed sub-components are: 3.1: Strengthening sectoral governance, and 3.2: Project management and monitoring and evaluation.
Component 4: Contingent Emergency Response – to allow for the reallocation of financing in accordance with the IDA Immediate Response Mechanism to provide an immediate response to an eligible crisis or emergency, as needed.